Maeve Yore
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Confessions of a Shopaholic Supporting Disney/Dir. PJ Hogan
Match Lead Will Pork Prods/ Dir. Brian W. Seibert
Thanksgiving Dinner Supporting Will Pork Prods/ Dir. Brian W. Seibert
Julia Supporting NYFA Thesis/ Dir. Cristina Ortiz
Law & Order SVU Guest Star NBC/dir. Martha Mitchell
THEATER: (Partial List)
Does That Feel Good To You, My Lark Widow/ Supporting Bushwick Starr Reading / Miranda Haymon
Harper Regan* Harper/Lead T. Schreiber Theatre, NY/Dir. Terry Schreiber
Dragon Woman/Lead Articulate Theatre Co., NY/ Dir. Cat Parker
The Little Dog Laughed Diane/Lead The Gallery Players, NY/ Dir. Patrick Vassel
Bound Violence/Lead Spleen Theatre, NY/ Dir. Laura Tesman
A New Theory of Vision Cara/Lead SanctuaryPlaywright Th,NY/Dir. Cat Parker
Sister Cities** Austin/Lead T. Schreiber Theatre, NY/Dir. Cat Parker
Picasso at the Lapin Agile Germaine/Lead T. Theatre, NY/Dir. Cat Parker
First In Line Annie Moore/Solo Show Show Hypothetical Theatre, NY/
Written & Directed by Maeve Yore
Ellis Island Stories Various/Lead Hypothetical Theatre, NY/Dir. Amy Feinberg
Lower Depths Nastya/Supp. Pulse Ensemble Theatre, NY/Dir.Thelma Carter
Midsummer Night’s Dream Helena/Supp. National Shakespeare Conservatory, NY
Refuge From The Storm Eileen Burke/Lead Raven Playhouse, LA/ Dir. Bill Murphy
The Phantom Lady Dona Beatrice/Supp Footsteps Theatre, Chicago/ Dir. David Schmidt

*NYIT Winner for Outstanding Lead Performance
** NYC Premiere, Original Cast


Graduate of 3 Year Program, American Academy of Dramatic Arts, NYC (Company Member)
**Winner Charles Jehlinger & Lawerence Langner Awards, and American Theatre Wing Scholarship
Summer Program, National Shakespeare Conservatory, NYC

ACTING: Terry Schreiber, Scott Freeman, Jeanie Hackett, Nike Doukas    
SHAKESPEARE: John Kane (RSC), Thelma Carter, Rowena Balos
VOICE/DIALECTS: Rowena Balos, Page Clements
VOICE OVER: Roger Becker
COMMERCIALS: Matthew Arkin, Ernie Losso
MASTERCLASS: Betty Buckley


Dialects: Any Irish, Any British, Polish, German, Russian, Others Upon Request
Sports:   Horseback Riding (English), Certified Pilates Instructor
Other: Certified Massage Therapist (Swedish, Deep Tissue, Thai), Good with
Medical/ Anatomical Language Traditional Irish Folk Singing,
Driver’s License (Manual & Automatic), Basic Stage Combat for Film

2 Valid Passports (USA & Ireland—legal to work in US, UK, and EU)

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